What do we offer
Take your statusbar to the next level by enabling a dual row on both sides of it!
Stock DSB modules aim to simplicity and a clean, non-intrusive display
- Left side is always enabled, it'll give you more space to fit more notification and to display extra information enabled on rom-side, such as seconds, day and month next to the clock.
- Style 1: Has left side enabled by default, and allows you to optionally set traffic indicator for DSB on right side.
- Style 2: Has left side and battery icon on right side enabled by default for DSB.
- Add-ons: Addons allows to personalize their statusbar, add-ons will give the possibility of colored backgrounds, change to advanced dsb style, and more!

Our noob-friendly Substratum app for those Subs lovers and for a more powerful DSB on some A10 roms, it includes:

Our noob-friendly Substratum app for those Subs lovers and for a more powerful DSB on some A10 roms, it includes:
- Lots of Cool Module mods
- DSB on MIUI A10!
- Very simple with only the necessary mods like accent based navbar, settings icons and other stuffs like rounded UI.
- A more powerful DSB on Nusantara, Resurrection Remix, and Havoc: Set up your colored background as your system accent color or to a custom color/gradient.

If you're looking for more customization without complications, this section is for you!!
Here you'll find tons of different yet cool magisk flashable modules to tune your rom. Some of them doesn't even require a reboot to change!
Here you have a quick list of them :
- Ultimate Icon Pack: Gives 10 set of different statusbar icons.
- Dotkiller: Push the limit of displayable icons on android by disabling those dots which appear after 3-5 notification icons.
- Statusbar height Changer: Changes Statusbar Height.
- 5G: Replaces your LTE/4G icon to 5G/5G+
- Signal Cross Fix: Remove that annoying x on signal icon when you aren't using your data pack.
- QS Grids: For those low customization options which doesn't have the feature to change the grid size or amount of icons on QS
- And much more !!